BLESSED – Micro Challenge

Today, focus on the biggest blessings of your life.

Being grateful for big things helps significantly in shifting your mood (for good) and changing your perspective. Here’s a fun way to create a little gratitude list that is sure to change the way you look at your life.

  1. Choosing a comfortable position; take a few deep breaths and think about your life for a few minutes. What are the biggest, most significant things you can feel thankful for right now?
  2. Try to write ten of them down in your journal. There is no need to rank them; every blessing is meaningful in its own special way.
  3. Take a moment to process how you feel when you allow yourself to feel gratitude towards something that is already a part of your life. Stay with the feeling as long as it feels right.
  4. Now tear out or print your gratitude list and place it somewhere visible. Make sure to choose a place where you will see it frequently. Will this be the wall above your bed, next to the bathroom mirror, on your working desk or the fridge? Doesn’t matter much as long you have a chance to see it and get reminded. It’s crucial to have a constant reminder of all of the generosity and grace that life bestows upon us daily.