Today, show your gratitude for the beautiful abundance that nature has always provided.

The Earth is our Mother; it gives us all we have. Yet, we continue to take it for granted and disrespect it daily.

In our lifetime we might not be able to reverse the damage we created by excessive consumption of natural resources, but what we can and must do is intentionally restore and replenish with one conscientious choice at a time. Every little caring action that counts as nature recovery begins with you.

To play your part and show sincere gratitude to planet Earth, choose from one of these nature-loving acts:

  • Plant some flowers or herbs to bring more natural life to the world.
  • Clean up as much trash as you can wherever you go today.
  • Commit to going zero-waste for a full day.

In whichever way you show your appreciation for Nature today, notice how your self-awareness deepens as you reconnect with the importance of this foundational element of life.