Today, choose an optimist’s path.

Expect positive outcomes on purpose, in every situation you come across. Focus on the things you can control and let go of the ones you cannot.

Studies had shown that optimists do better in school, work, and hobbies. They are more likely to win elections if they run for office; they have better health, and they may even live longer. There are so many reasons to be optimistic, so crack a smile (even if it's forced) and see what exciting opportunities unfold as a result.

Optimism goes best with mindfulness.

If you want to keep an optimistic outlook on the world, you have to learn how to stay in the present. Try this fast and easy One Minute Meditation to prep yourself for today’s challenge.

The One Minute Meditation

Take a deep breath.

Breathing in through the nose,
Breathing out through the mouth.

Breathing in feeling the lungs expanding,
Breathing out feeling a sense of letting go.

Breathing in to feel the body getting fuller,
Breathing out to feel the release of any tension.

Breathing in feeling alive and awake,
Breathing out feeling muscles relaxing.

Breathing in that sense of fullness,
Breathing out that unnecessary tension in the body and mind.