Today, let’s double down on our Health Goal.

Recall your 30-day Health Goal you created on Day 2.

First off, is it still relevant? If not, take a moment to revise your health goal to be something you’re excited to work on every day in order to progress towards a healthier well being.

If it is still relevant, reflect on the progress you’ve made towards your goal. Any amount of progress is worth acknowledging.

Questions to reflect on:

  • What has been the biggest barrier preventing progress towards your goal?
  • What has help you the most to put in the hard work required?
  • What have you learned about yourself during this Healthy Series?
  • What have you enjoyed the most?

Diligence in all we do, especially resting.

Our career is not the only thing that deserves our diligent hard work—everything does. Yoga, martial arts, cooking food, everything! Which might sound exhausting, until we apply the same level of commitment to our relaxing activities like feeding the bird, a walk in nature, and meditation. Slowly and surely, our diligence threshold expands and what use to take tremendous willpower naturally becomes part of our effortless routine.

By engaging in all we do with full focus, we experience all this precious moment has to offer.

This is mindfulness as it’s finest.

By maintaining control of where we direct our attention, we naturally become diligent in all we do. As Tony Robbins puts it, “Where the attention goes, energy flows.” This is why most meditation practices have us use our breath as an anchor to hold our attention. The more we practice directing our attention where we want it, rather than letting it get hijacked, the more diligent we are in what it is we’re doing.