Internalizing healthy habits for lasting change.

Below is an exercise that will help us internalize our healthy habits so when this ‘30 Days of Health’ series is over, we can continue to make progress in a self-regulatory way.

Extreme Ownership Exercise

Ready to take extreme ownership over your health?

Great! Get out your pen and paper.

First, bring to mind your healthy goal.

Now, begin writing out all the things that motivate you to take action on your goal.

Examples for a weight loss goal:

  • seeing the numbers on the weight scale drop
  • receiving compliments for my improving body image
  • gaining a better understanding of the human body

Go ahead and hit pause while you list out everything that comes to mind.

You might just have one or two, that’s totally fine. Or maybe you came up with a dozen motivations, even better. Now, looking at your motivations, begins to note if each motivator is motivated by an outcome or motivated by a process.

Underline any motivations that rely on an outcome.

any motivations that rely on the process.


  • seeing the numbers on the weight scale drop
  • receiving compliments for my improving body image

Now realize the circled motivators that are internal and process oriented are the reasons why you will have more self-discipline when it comes to having consistency with your health goals. Prioritize these first to stay inspired and disciplined.

What you will find is the external outcome oriented motivations will occur naturally as a result of your internal motivations.