Today, let’s be more intentional about putting food in our body that give us life.

When your body is hungry, it wants nutrients, not calories.

By eating locally sourced, alkaline-forming foods, we give the body the nutrition it needs to thrive. A safe rule of thumb is to stick to a high consumption of fruits, vegetables, and healthy plant foods while restricting processed junk foods.

INCLUDE: Alkaline-forming food groups like fruits, nuts, legumes and vegetables.

Neutral: Natural fats, starches and sugars.

AVOID: Acidic-forming foods like meat, poultry, fish, dairy, eggs, grains, and alcohol.

Why grandma was right when she said, “you are what you eat!”

Inside every atom, are particles. Inside those particles, is pure energy. Everything (yourself include and the foods you eat) is just patterns of energy vibrating at different levels.

Beyond flesh and blood, we are atoms! Pure energy!

So if we look at the way we eat from this perspective, we see that what we put into our bodies as food affects our vibrational state. Certain foods increase our energy and vibration (mostly alkaline foods) and others diminish our energy (acidic foods).

When foods are metabolized in our body, they are either acidic in nature or alkaline (represented by their pH value). When we eat foods that are alkaline (pH of 7-14), then they can be quickly extracted from our bodies with little energy. However, when we eat acidic foods (pH of 0-7), they are very hard for the blood and lymph system to eliminate and they are stored in our organs and tissues as solids which create blockages and disruptions in our cells—which is exhausting because it quite literally kills us.

When our body becomes acidic in chemistry, it loses its high vibrational state. Which signals the low vibrating microbes of the world (like viruses and bacteria) that it’s time to decompose this dying body. If we begin to resemble this very acidic or death state, then we begin to come under attack from microbes.

A disease is literally a rotting within our bodies because the microbes around us have been given the signal that we are already dead.

The good news is that even if we have too much acidity in our bodies and begin to decompose, the situation can be reversed if we improve our nutrition and move to an alkaline, higher energy state.