COMMITMENT (mind and heart)

COMMITMENT 🤝 Align the Heart & Mind


Today, let's think with the heart and feel with the mind so that we can cultivate the inner alignment that will inspire commitment toward our courageous goals.

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Our soul craves a sacred space,
where heart & mind can interlace.
To form the actions that will embrace
a life of courage, love and grace.
Each day, let us pledge to take the time,
to tend to our spirit, to let it shine.
With each breath, let us refine
our path toward a life divine.


“Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you.”

– Unknown

I am committed to spending time with myself each day because I know it takes discipline and repetition to truly transform. Some days will be harder than others, but I have the self-discipline to stay the course. These small wins will perpetuate more small wins throughout the day making it easier to develop habits that empower a brave life.


In this 12-minute meditation, Gia helps us listen to the guidance of our heart and then the guidance of our mind to notice any dissonance between the two. We are then invited to bring any inner conflict into the light so that we can resolve it.

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Many times, it’s just fear in the mind that clashes with the wild faith of the heart. This is a totally normal part of the process. We will breathe through any fear that pops up so that the mind can align more fully with the passion of the heart.

We will work to align and harmonize these two parts of you until there is a common thread of committed clarity between the heart and mind. From there, the throat will feel open enough to clearly speak the truth of your commitment.


Can you give yourself the gift of committing to the work of this Brave Journey?

Say yes by means of some small ceremony.

Buy a nice notebook for yourself or the 30 Days of Bravery Companion Journal for this journey.

Read the agreement contract below. 

Amend it, if you like; then print, sign, and date it.

Feel free to copy, paste (or screenshot) and print the Bravery Contract below:


I, ___________, understand that I am undertaking an intensive, guided encounter with my own bravery. I commit myself to the 30-day duration of the course.

I, ___________, further understand that this course will raise issues, fears, and emotions for me to deal with.

I, ___________, commit myself to excellent self-care (adequate sleep, diet, exercise, and pampering) for the duration of the course.

Signature: ______________    
Date: ______

Decide with the mind, commit with the heart.

Decide with the mind, commit with the heart.


Today, hold yourself accountable for completing this 30-Day Brave Journey in one of the following ways:

  • make a public statement
  • get a friend to join you
  • set stakes if you fail
  • adapt your morning routine

Research has shown that commitment is a critical factor in achieving long-term goals (Gollwitzer, 1999). However, maintaining commitment can be challenging, as individuals often have different parts of themselves with competing motives and desires (Kashdan & Rottenberg, 2010). In order to fully commit to a goal, it is important to align all these parts and reach an agreement.

One way to achieve alignment is by reconciling the different perspectives of the mind and heart. The mind typically evaluates a goal based on rationality and practicality, while the heart evaluates it based on passion and faith (Hsee & Hastie, 2006). When both perspectives are in agreement, individuals are more likely to stay committed to their goal.

Furthermore, expressing commitment publicly can increase accountability and strengthen commitment (Koo & Fishbach, 2010). By vocalizing a commitment, individuals create a sense of personal responsibility and are more likely to follow through on their goal.


Spend a few minutes writing down things that inspire commitment in your life.

What makes you truly committed to developing more bravery?

Double down on your commitment by sharing some of those things with the community in the comments below!


Nice work completing Day 2 of 30 Days of Bravery. This was no small feat.

Take a moment to share some key takeaways from today's session in the Activity Feed!

 ✨ 👭 ✨ 

We journey better when we journey together.