Today, determine one way you can take one big leap towards your healthy goal.

  1. Recall your Purpose-Driven reason to be healthier from Day 1— your WHY.
  2. Recall your healthy S.M.A.R.T. Goal from Day 2—your WHAT.
  3. Now decide on one massive action you can do today—your HOW.

Keep in mind, this is not something that you should expect yourself to do everyday, we’ll focus on developing a sustainable routine tomorrow. But today, we just want to get a really good taste of what that purpose-driven progress feels like. Then we’ll use that sense of accomplishment to realize our internal motivations.

As we take massive action towards a goal in a way that stretches our comfort zone, we gain valuable experience and develop a better understanding of our own abilities and limitations.

The recipe to achieve what you want the most can be distilled down to taking action.