Play today's Going Deeper session below:

Key Takeaways

Our culture sees that one special romantic relationship as the only context with which to experience all-encompassing, unconditional love. Words like “true love” and “soulmate” are used to express this phenomenon and while a special relationship such as this may be fertile breeding ground for the experience of impersonal love (love that goes beyond ego, behavior, and personal thinking) it is not the only context from which to experience this rich level of connection and joy.

Furthermore, this is something we can force or control. A deep connection with another is often spontaneous and not the result of a dogged determination, obsessively working on oneself, or willpower.

So instead of searching for “the one” and getting bent out of shape or blaming yourself when s/he doesn't appear, why not put yourself up on a pedestal? The company you keep with yourself is something you can never run away from, so why not befriend and cherish yourself? Why not be your own best friend and get more in touch with your soul?

From this place of deep knowing, relationships with others become more natural anyway. They become less needy and manipulative. They are rooted in acceptance, not approval.The infographics above depicts the “pipeline of universal love” and how it can get “clogged” by us putting our attention and giving importance to so many thoughts and things in our everyday lives, leaving little room for the awareness of love around us and within us to surface.