PURPOSE 👁 uncover your true calling and wealth will follow

⏱️ 3 min

Today, let's further uncover our unique purpose through the powerful Japanese exercise "ikigai" so that wealth and fulfillment can flow more effortlessly into our lives.

30 Days of Money

Create Financial Freedom with the 30 Days of Money Journey.

Matt will guide you through each day with short actionable video sessions that include timeless financial wisdom, practical money-making exercises, and wealth-building habits. Each day's 15-minute session will help reveal blind spots, provide insights into your emotional relationship with money, and ultimately help bring more money into your bank account! 🤑🙌


Today, let's further uncover our unique purpose through the powerful Japanese exercise “ikigai” so that wealth and fulfillment can flow more effortlessly into our lives.

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Listen to a reading of today's session from Matt »


The inspiration for today's session comes from the idea that your purpose is a profound part of your being, chosen even before you were born. It's the joyful work that satisfies your soul, and aligning with it leads to wealth, abundance, and joy.

Today's key takeaways:

  • 🧘‍♂️ Discover your purpose through your love, skills, needs, and income.
  • 🖼️ Create an Ikigai venn diagram for a visual representation of your purpose.
  • 🗣 Engage in internal dialogue for healing & growth.

Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy.

Kahlil Gibran
Lebanese-American writer and philosopher who used his unique spiritual voice to inspire generations to follow their purpose with love and joy.

A study from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences revealed that individuals who feel they have a purpose in life have a lower risk of mortality and cardiovascular disease. The study suggests that a self-identified sense of purpose encourages healthier lifestyle choices, leading to better physical and mental health outcomes. A healthy reminder that aligning with our purpose might not only fulfill our soul but also supports our overall well-being.


I am purpose. I am abundance. I am joy.


In today's 9-minute meditation, let's explore how to live more intentionally, align with your true purpose, and experience the abundance that is your birthright with the Japanese practice called ‘ikigai'.

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Listen on YouTube »


Let's explore the Japanese concept of Ikigai—a powerful tool to see where your ideal combination of motivation, skill, need, and income lie.

  1. Sketch a Venn diagram with four overlapping circles.
  2. Label them as ‘things I love doing', ‘things I'm good at', ‘things the world needs', and ‘things I can get paid to do'.
  3. Find the intersection point of all these elements – your Ikigai – where motivation, skill, need, and income lie in perfect harmony.
ikigai exercise

Reflect on your purpose in life. Remember, it's not about your job, but what you feel called from within to do. The purpose that gives you joy, satisfaction and aligns with your highest Self.


Invite all parts of yourself – the protectors, the exiles, the firefighters – to a roundtable in your mind. Listen to each one, giving them space to express their concerns and needs. Love and acceptance can heal these parts, leading to freedom, growth, and liberation.


I courageously align with my life's purpose.


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Your purpose is the highest expression of our soul. It's our guide to a life of joy, wealth, and fulfillment. As we discover it and embrace it fearlessly, we're becoming a more powerful creative force.

Live with intention. Live with purpose. Live with joy.

What did you discover about yourself during today's session?

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