COMMITMENT ✍🏼 Journal Prompt

The key to our commitment is to set realistic and achievable goals, break them down into manageable steps, and then hold ourselves accountable for taking action on those steps. Journaling is a powerful tool to help us reflect on our progress, identify areas where we need to improve, and cultivate a sincere commitment to our … Read more

CREATIVE – Journal Prompt

Think back to your earliest experience of creativity as a child. What were you doing? How did it feel? Is it connected to something you still do as an adult? … Do you consider yourself a creative person today? Why or why not?

ENOUGH – Journal Prompt

Think about the last time you were doing something in your “Zone of Genius”. How did it feel? What did you create or get accomplished that day? …. How can you celebrate your strengths and do more of the things that fall under your “Zone of Genius”?

TRUSTING – Journal Prompt

Bring to mind a time in your past where you felt like you hit a snag in your plans or had to take an unexpected detour, but realized later it was all for the better. What happened, and what did you learn? … What did the experience teach you about your ability to adapt?