30 Days of Money Journey

30 Days of Money

Unlock financial freedom through timeless wisdom and money-making habits.

Journey Content

WEEK 1: Awaken Your Money-Making Life Force
WEEK 2: The Practical 'HOW' of Financial Freedom
WEEK 3: Cultivate an Abundance Mindset
WEEK 4: Wealth Beyond Money
Community Call Replays

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Ready to make your morning routine and bank account a lot richer?

This 30-day journey intends to empower anyone to become financially free regardless of their current financial situation by following the structured guidance in each day's 15-minute morning money session.

Like money, the return on investment in self-discovery compounds exponentially by investing in our self with rhythmic consistency.

If you already have a daily practice of self-discovery, you'll need to create an additional 15-30 minutes each morning to allow yourself time for these additional monetary communions.

If you don't have an intentional practice of self-discovery, this journey will help create the structure and accountability to get started. Make this daily practice a morning ritual and the rest will be history.

Cultivating a wealthy relationship with money is a slow and steady (yet reliable) path. The foundational wisdom and practices offered in this journey are what the most successful (wealthy and happy) people collectively agree on—thank Lakshmi!

The goal of this journey is to provide tools that will cultivate more freedom, more generosity, more connection, more creation, and more love for our inherently wealthy self and the reality it creates.

There is a science of getting rich. It is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches. Once a person learns and obeys these laws, he will get rich with mathematical certainty.

– Wallace D. Wattles


3 Things This Journey Will Help You Achieve

1.  More Money Into Your Bank Account

Learn practical strategies and experience transformative mindset shifts that will open doors to new financial opportunities and enhance your earning potential. The daily structured guidance paves the way for increased savings and smarter money management.

2.  An Enriched Morning Practice

Steep your mornings with a 10-minute session of monetary inspiration, rich insights of self-discovery, and guidance from the world’s wealthiest. This daily ritual will activate your money-making magic and set a successful trajectory for the day that will help align your thoughts, words, and actions with your financial goals.

3.  Discover a Wealth Far Beyond Money

This journey goes beyond financial literacy and wealthy habits. It’s an expedition into the heart of your higher aspirations. You are being invited to live each day with more purpose and passion with an abundance mindset. We’ll be nurturing a life of wealth in every sense of the word.

Hi there, Wealthy Soul 👋 Matt here.

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I felt inspired to create this journey to deepen my own financial awareness because I see too many friends stressed and uneducated about money-related matters, in ways I once was.

I didn’t grow up with much money. And after student loans, car loans, and misused credit cards, I’ve worked my way out of tremendous debt. But I did it! And some! And I believe anyone can. Because the path I followed is actually quite simple. My financial freedom came through a steady process of learning from experienced mentors and wisely managing my energy.

After becoming financially free, I discovered a time freedom that has empowered me to spend my time on fulfilling experiences and projects (like this). Furthermore, financial freedom has provided the invaluable spaciousness to spend quality time with my self—learning to understand and love myself in ways that have cultivated more clarity and confidence to better enjoy living this one wild and precious life to its fullest.

And this is why I want everyone to be more financially free. To give us more freedom to spend our precious time on things that nourish us.

The habits I’ve included in this journey are the same ones that have freed me up to travel the world, build my dream home, eat the boujee-est of foods, and give myself as much rest and nourishment as I need so that I can serve others generously – my personal recipe for joyous wealth. 

So without further adou, let's explore the inspirations (and illustrative allies) that will serve to guide and enlighten us throughout this money journey! ✨👇


The Daily Money Morning Routine

Here we will explore the tools and practices used in the money journey so you know what to expect and can best prepare for each day's 15-minute session.

By following this daily practice, we will not only enhance our financial well-being but also enrich our lives with intentional living, personal growth, community connection, and yes, more money! It's a comprehensive approach that moves beyond numbers and taps into the heart, mind, and soul of wealth creation.


Prefer to listen or watch? Grab a beverage and your journal and get cozy as Matt guides us through each daily session within 15 minutes!


Set sail each day with focused clarity and direction. Where are we going? What do we truly desire?

Each day's intention inspires the course of action that we'll explore for the rest of the session.

You will also find a video from Matt sharing each day's session within 15 minutes.


Spark creativity, enthusiasm, and motivation. Feel the excitement in your bones? Let's channel that energy into abundant living!

Each day's inspiration section comes with tried and true money wisdom that almost everyone would agree on. We will be invited to think outside the box and explore how to best integrate the as to how we could implement the inspiration better.


The insights and lessons in this journey are nothing new. Matter of fact, someone likely already said it better. So we'll hear from them here.


Money is a science. There are fundamental laws that govern money and the process of acquiring riches. Once a person learns and obeys these laws, becoming wealthy becomes more effortless.


This is the day's session summarized into a short pithy mantra for remembrance and integration.

Connect your intentions, visions, and insights as you utter these daily mantras to help rewire neurons toward financial abundance.


Hit play and meditate into a visualization that will help you see yourself and reshape your financial destiny by connecting with your deepest sense of Self and the essence of abundance.


Have your journal handy as we explore with questions and introspection, applying each day's session to our unique financial journey.


We will discover opportunities for growth amidst the shadows of the psyche and subconscious patterns of behavior. Break through limiting beliefs and embrace greater financial potential with self-awareness, honesty, courage, self-compassion, and patience.


We'll put all the theory, wisdom, and self-discovery into action with fun practices that help align our being, thoughts, words, and actions with our deepest financial desires.


We will take a moment each day to honor the rich abundance already present in our lives.


We will reaffirm our worthiness and connection to wealth by speaking from our wealthest Self with concise potency.


You are invited to share your two cents in the comments at the end of each session.

Connect and grow with others who are on their own path toward more prosperity.


And that's a wrap!

Dive into these daily sessions with us and tap into a transformative blend of intention, science, meditation, and reflection that aligns our mindset with abundance and prosperity. Together, we will harness our intentions into empowering actions—ensuring every step we take resonates with the wealth and fulfillment we desire.

One day, one intention, one breath, at a time.

Ready to make it rain money, wealth, and abundance? Go ahead and get started!

Have any questions? Send me an email »

Journey Content

WEEK 1: Awaken Your Money-Making Life Force
WEEK 2: The Practical 'HOW' of Financial Freedom
WEEK 3: Cultivate an Abundance Mindset
WEEK 4: Wealth Beyond Money
Community Call Replays

📔 30 Days of Money Physical Journal

This printed version of the journey is for those who enjoy putting pen to paper. It's a great companion to the online sessions.

30 Days of Money Journal