Vision and goal setting to manifest money and well

VISION 🔮 set goals that forge the path to wealth

⏱️ 4 min

Today, let's delve into the world of intentional goal-setting so that we can align ourselves with the path to wealth and manifest our wildest dreams.

30 Days of Money

Create Financial Freedom with the 30 Days of Money Journey.

Matt will guide you through each day with short actionable video sessions that include timeless financial wisdom, practical money-making exercises, and wealth-building habits. Each day's 15-minute session will help reveal blind spots, provide insights into your emotional relationship with money, and ultimately help bring more money into your bank account! 🤑🙌


Today, let's delve into the world of intentional goal-setting so that we can align ourselves with the path to wealth and manifest our wildest dreams.

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The inspiration for today's session on money comes from the profound power of goal-setting. This exploration reminds us that setting goals, particularly with regard to wealth, is not just about planning for material gain. Rather, it is about understanding the role that these goals play in the grand scheme of our lives. Goals provide us with a roadmap to our desired destination. They act as a conduit, directing our thoughts and intentions into a structured format that aligns with the universe's rhythm.

🎯 Set clear and concise goals.
🔮 Visualize your aspirations with conviction.
🌱 Cultivate a wealth consciousness.
💡 Be open to the universe's guidance.


Unknown and broke (at the time), Jim Carrey would visualize his success by going on nightly drives along Mulholland Drive—a winding road through the Santa Monica mountains that is famous for its breathtaking views of the city and its history of famous residents.

During one of those drives in 1992, he wrote himself a check for $10,000,000 for “Acting services rendered”, and dated it “Thanksgiving 1995”. As Jim kept this Just before that date, he earned that amount for his role in Dumb and Dumber.

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The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

– Eleanor Roosevelt

The Harvard MBA Study on Goal Setting asked students if they had set clear, written goals for their future. Ten years later, the 3% of graduates who had written goals were earning, on average, 10 times as much as the other 97% of graduates who did not, combined!

So let's assume the 97% who did not write down financial goals had an average annual income of $50,000. That means the 3% who did clearly define and write down their financial goals would have an annual income of $16,166,66. 🤯

This research underscores the profound power of effective goal-setting. So let's harness this knowledge to become intentional goal-setters & go-getters! ✍️🤓


In today's 8-minute meditation, we will journey into the forest of abundance, fostering the growth of our deepest desires and wealth of all kinds.

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I deliberately create my destiny.


Reflect on your past goals. How did they shape your life's trajectory? How have you grown as an individual because of them?


Take a moment to express gratitude for your ability to dream, set goals, and achieve them. Write a thank you letter to yourself for the dreams you've had and the goals you've set, regardless of whether they've been achieved yet or not. This practice reinforces your self-worth, affirms your faithfulness in Self, and cultivates an attitude of self-love and acceptance … all the while creating fertile soil for your dreams and goals to blossom into reality.

Healthy Habit

Include goal-setting in your daily journaling practice. Each morning, write down your goals for the day (and beyond) and visualize them coming to fruition. This practice helps keep your intentions at the forefront of your mind, ensuring you're always working towards them.


Write down the goals you have for your life.

Be as specific as possible.

How do these goals align with your values and dreams?

Healing Process

Recognize any parts of you that may be holding you back from setting and achieving your goals. Speak to them with love, understanding, and compassion. Ask them what they need to feel safe to step back and allow you to pursue your dreams. Remember, every part of you has a role, and each part needs love and recognition.


Visualize your goals as already achieved.

Feel the joy and satisfaction of achievement.

Hold this visualization and send it out into the universe.


I am achieving my goals with care, conviction, commitment, and joy.

Intention Card

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Community Conversation

Your dreams and goals are soooooo valid. They are your unique roadmap to a life of joy and fulfillment.

What did you discover about yourself during today's session on visualization and goal-setting?

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