The ATTUNE Framework

The ATTUNE Framework 💞 Connect Deeper, Understand Better!

⏱️ 4 min

Discover the art of deep connection through listening and understanding with the ATTUNE framework.

Riding the Waves of Stress

Prefer to listen? Kick back and reflect as Matt shares today's session orally. 👇

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Today's Intention


Today, let's focus on enhancing our relationship through the ATTUNE framework, fostering deeper understanding and connection with our loved ones.

Building meaningful relationships isn't just about spending time together; it’s about how we engage in that time. Today, we dive deep into the essence of connection—becoming aware of our partner's needs, turning toward them with our full presence, tolerating differences with grace, understanding their perspectives, listening without defensiveness, and empathizing deeply. By doing so, we create a safe space for both growth and intimacy.

Key Takeaways

  • 👂 Listen Deeply
  • ❤️ Empathize Fully
  • 🌱 Grow Together



Unlock the secrets of profound relationship building with the Attune framework from The Gottman Institute and Love Lab. This practice is your golden ticket to not just hearing but truly understanding your partner. Dive into a realm where every conversation becomes a stepping stone towards greater intimacy and trust. Ready to transform your communication? Let's get attuned!

The ATTUNE Framework

  1. Awareness – Pay close attention to your partner's emotional state. It's not just about the words; it's about the feelings behind them.
  2. Turning Toward – Show your partner you're engaged. Nod, smile, and respond with your whole heart.
  3. Tolerance – Acknowledge that misunderstandings are normal. Embrace differences with patience.
  4. Understanding – Strive to see things from your partner's perspective without judging.
  5. Non-defensive Listening – Listen to learn, not to react. Keep your defenses down.
  6. Empathy – Put yourself in their shoes. Respond with genuine care.

Everyday Integration: Make a daily habit of checking in with your partner. Use even the smallest conversations to practice the steps of ATTUNE. This could be during dinner, a walk, or just before bed. Small moments can lead to big connections!



“Love is not a place to come and go as we please; it's a house we enter in and commit to never leave.”

—Gary Chapman, author of The 5 Love Languages, reminds us that love requires a steadfast commitment and a nurturing attitude.

Studies Show


Research indicates that non-defensive listening and empathy significantly increase relationship satisfaction. Practice active listening without preparing your response while the other is speaking, focusing fully on understanding their emotions and viewpoints.

Trail Mantra


“Turn Toward Love”

Each moment of connection is an opportunity to turn toward love, making a conscious choice to engage with compassion and openness. This mantra reminds us that love is an active, daily choice.

Mindful Moment


Sit quietly with your partner, hands held, eyes closed. Breathe in sync for five minutes. Feel the shared space between you fill with understanding and care.

Journal Prompts

  • Reflect on a recent interaction where you felt truly heard by your partner. What did they do that made you feel so understood?
  • How can you better demonstrate empathy during disagreements?

Shadow Work


Identify moments when you found it hard to empathize or listen without defensiveness. Explore why and how you can change this pattern.



Practice letting go of the need to be right in every discussion. Embrace the freedom of understanding over winning.



Visualize your relationship filled with mutual understanding and empathy. Picture both of you thriving in a supportive and loving environment because of the mutual willingness to do your best.



Acknowledge and express appreciation for the efforts your partner makes to support and understand you, no matter how small.



“I value and respect the perspectives and feelings of my loved ones as much as my own.”



May we always find the strength to approach our relationships with an open heart and mind, nurturing our bond with kindness, patience, and love.



Great work engaging with today's session! Remember, the quality of our relationships enhances the quality of our lives.

Keep nurturing your bonds with ATTUNE.

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Further Exploration


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