PERSISTENT ~ Pressing on boldly in the face of fear

Fearless Persistence: Unleash Your Inner Grit

⏱️ 3 min

Today, let's harness grit and self-control to courageously and persistently overcome the obstacles that pave the way to our growth and goals.

30 Days of Bravery

Cultivate courageous daily action toward a specific 30-day goal with the 30 Days of Bravery Journey.

Join co-founder Matt and the Intention Inspired fam on an epic journey of courageous daily action toward a specific 30-day goal! Each day, Matt brings short actionable video sessions that will inspire daily action!



Today, let's harness grit and self-control to courageously and persistently overcome the obstacles that pave the way to our growth and goals.


Persistence Poem

In the garden of life, where flowers bloom,
let us invite courage to enlighten the gloom.
With persistent steps, in the face of strife,
breathe life's rhythm, a fearless, boundless life.

As rivers flow, we bend and sway,
persistent warriors, we forge our way.
With courage, let us face the fears that bind,
an untamed spirit, a fierce, fearless mind.


"Anyone who has a why to live can bear almost any what." – Nietzsche

“Anyone who has a why to live can bear almost any what.”

– Nietzsche



Studies show that self-control and persistence are crucial for long-term success (Moffitt et al., 2011) and grit (a combination of passion and perseverance) was found to be a better predictor of success than intelligence (Duckworth et al., 2007).

Don't let setbacks define your journey; let persistence pave your way to greatness! Tap into your grit and harness the self-control needed to overcome obstacles.



  • Every day, I grow stronger and more courageous as I persevere through challenges and obstacles.
  • I am brave and resilient; no matter how many times I fall, I will always rise and keep moving forward.
  • With each step I take, I am developing the fortitude and courage necessary to face any situation life presents.
  • I trust in my ability to persist and overcome, as this bravery empowers me to achieve my goals and dreams.
  • My unyielding determination to face my fears head-on fuels my bravery, inspiring me to conquer new heights.
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In today's 3-minute meditation, Jaron invites us into a deep reflection on the ever-changing nature of a river—observing its persistence, adaptability, and discipline to cultivate personal power, freedom, and focus on a singular vision.

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I am what I repeatedly do.

अहं यत् पुनः पुनः करोमि

I am what I repeatedly do



Today, let's choose a small, harmless activity that pushes us outside of our comfort zone and helps us face fear or insecurity.

This could be as simple as starting a conversation with a stranger, taking a short cold shower, or speaking up in a group setting. By practicing these small acts of bravery consistently, we're building our resilience and confidence to handle hard things, ultimately preparing us for bigger challenges and goals.

I am persistent



Bring to mind a recent moment you felt like giving up, but didn’t.

What was it that pulled you forward despite the urge to quit?



How are you inspired to be a bit riskier today?

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