How Fear is Controlling Your Life

How fear is controlling your life bear in the darkness

My throat grew tight. My palms were sweaty. My breath shortened, refusing to fully expand or contract. Nausea brewed in the pit of my belly. I was about to…

5 Effective Ways to Show Bravery at Work

How would you describe your work methods? Are you usually chasing after a job promotion or are you the type to be nervous to request a raise? Do you…

Why You Don’t Need Confidence to Start

Confidence comes with time, practice, and repetition, but it certainly isn’t there for the start always. Or the second, or third, or forth. Which is to say: you don’t need to be confident to start pursuing your dreams.

Things to Embrace (and Let Go) If You Want to Be Brave

There are other kinds of bravery. Subtler kinds that are just as fierce; bravery that shows itself in the most unlikely places, at the most unlikely times. This is the bravery of living into the fullest expression of your own life.